by Sunny
follow me on Twitter @sunnylooksleaps
Earlier this year when packing for a trip to Disneyland, MJ announced that she would no longer like to dress like a princess at the park. “I still want to wear Disney clothes,” she added, “I just don’t want to be a princess.” I knew that the princess dresses wouldn’t last forever, and while I loved seeing her dress up and enjoy being a princess in the park those ball gowns have their drawbacks in the suitcase and on the rides. We still attended a princess breakfast. She posed for pictures with them and asked for their autographs. She still loves them; still watches all their movies. They are Disney characters after all, and we are a family that loves Disney. But just like MJ changed her mind about being a princess, so does Disney also evolve and change to adapt to a new generation of fans while still making their seasoned veterans nostalgic.
With each new trip to Disney comes something new to explore. New attractions like Frozen Ever After make you realize the charm of a Disney boat ride but with an added twist that left all of us surprised! Tried and true favorite attractions get a new makeover like Soarin’ Around the World. I can still remember experiencing Soarin’ Over California right after it opened in Disney’s California Adventure Park and being completely blown away! But after over 10 years of flying over California, why not take your guests all around the world? I was glad that MJ has been able to experience both attractions. She was pleased with the upgrade. Some international icons she recognized right away while others she was seeing for the first time. If that attraction doesn’t inspire wanderlust in all of its guests, I don’t know what would!
I think it’s the Disney spirit, the “streetmoshpere” as some call it, that keeps pulling us back. To see MJ get as excited during her seventh trip as the kid on the bus next to her is on her first is heart-warming. It’s the anticipation of knowing you’re are about to have an all-around, sensory overloaded, smile-inducing experience. Even if her priorities have changed from waiting in line for Dumbo the Flying Elephant to waiting in line for Test Track. From dressing in a Princess costume to wearing her beloved “I heart Star Wars” sweatshirt.
Each visit to the Parks allows me to realize how much she’s grown since the last trip. But despite the fact that she is taller and older and has new interests, she remains a Disney fan through and through.

Post Disney Blues: we recommend plenty of furry comfort animals. Side note – MJ is still wearing the Star Wars sweatshirt.
When we got back home from our latest adventure, we were all experiencing the post-Disney slump. The day when you are no longer at Disney. The magic feels a long way away. Lucky for us, the newest Disney film Moana, was released the day we got back. Hoping to rejuvenate our Disney spirits once again, we headed to a matinee show. Without giving too much away, the plot follows a young Polynesian girl as she attempts to save the people on her island from an impending curse that is depleting their food supply. There are plenty of catchy musical numbers, the animation is breathtaking, and the theme is empowering and touching. We all left the theater pleased.
In the following days, I noticed MJ singing the Moana songs and acting out the scenes from the movie. And although we had since packed away all of her princess gowns and accessories, I found her begging for the Moana costume. What would prompt her change of heart? Would one movie really make her return to her princess-loving ways?
Again, it is Disney’s constant evolution. Moana isn’t like the princesses we have seen in the past. She’s athletic. She’s making important decisions for her people. And she even announces that technically she’s not a princess – she’s the daughter of the village chief. And in the end, she is the hero.
So, yes, she got the costume! We’ve already been back to the theater to see Moana a second and third time. I want MJ to feel as strong and able as Moana is depicted on the screen.
And you can bet that when Moana finally graces Disney World with her presence, we will be eagerly planning our next trip so we can meet her!