by Wendy
Here is my packing debrief from 6 nights in Paris. Continue reading

by Wendy
Here is my packing debrief from 6 nights in Paris. Continue reading
by Wendy
A great vacation often results in a travel-high. You know, that glow from a beachy sun or hike in the fresh mountain air – or the inspiration from a different culture, geography, or language – or simply from the opportunity to relax and recharge. And yet…this feeling threatens to fade, often on the way home. If you’re not careful, your contentedness is quickly replaced by bewilderment as you prepare to face the first week back at work, the pile of mail, and the household chores.
When returning from a trip my Dad always cautions, “Don’t burn up on re-entry.” It’s good advice. Here are a few of my “unpacking” tips to help with the transition. Continue reading
by Sunny
follow me on Twitter @Sunnylooksleaps
In November, Jimmy and I spent five glorious days in Negril, Jamaica at the Rockhouse Hotel to celebrate our 10 year wedding anniversary. As I was looking through our honeymoon photos (also spent in the Caribbean) I laughed at some of my style choices. Granted, I could get away with a lot more at the age of 23! I did most of my shopping for our Jamaica trip during the summer sales when swimsuits and sundresses are cheap and plentiful. Here’s what I packed for our low-key resort stay,
by Sunny
follow me on Twitter @Sunnylooksleaps
My husband and I were counting the days. We were booking spa appointments, shopping for sunscreen, and acting like the newlyweds we were 10 years ago. Celebrating our 10th anniversary is beyond exciting, especially since we booked a reservation at the unique Rockhouse Hotel in Jamaica – a trip we’ve been planning since we returned from our honeymoon. Click on the link and you will instantly want to visit – Don’t say I didn’t warn you. We packed up our daughter, too…to stay at my parents’ house. It’s kind of bittersweet. She’s traveled with us on every trip we’ve taken since she was born except for one. We love traveling with her, but this trip was for the two of us. Even though she stayed here, there was PLENTY of planning and packing that needed to be done for her. Read on for tips about packing the kids when they are enjoying a “staycation” while you are on vacation!
by Wendy
I have friends and work colleagues who look at me like I’m crazy when I tell them I pack carry-on only. “But what about your toiletries?” they ask incredulously. I think they’re wondering if I become a hippie when I travel, packing a zip-top bag full of patchouli and little else.
No, that is not the case. Would a hippie throw out that excellent Devo-inspired post title? At the same time, you generally can’t be super high-maintenance for this to work. You may have to compromise on brands and your usual routine. And of course, sometimes carry-on only is not ideal for certain long trips, or if you’re packing a lot of sports equipment, or traveling with kids.
I really like to travel light, but give it a try and decide for yourself. For anyone who feels like toiletries are an impediment to carry-on only, here are some tips that may help.
by April and Sunny
Packing for one can be stressful enough, but add a kid to the mix and it can be enough to lose your mind. Looks and Leaps to the rescue! Here are a few packing Do’s and Don’ts to avoid any “Doh’s!” while traveling with little ones.