by Wendy
When Jack found an awards flight to Spain that we could book with accrued miles, there was little hesitation about where we would spend a late summer vacation. Continue reading

by Wendy
When Jack found an awards flight to Spain that we could book with accrued miles, there was little hesitation about where we would spend a late summer vacation. Continue reading
by Wendy
This is part 3 of my series on one week itineraries (nine days counting both weekends) in Spain. The third Spain trip took place in 2013 and was very special, since my parents were going with us! They had never been before, so we designed an itinerary with them in mind. This evolved over several conversations as we researched logistics and available hotels. We debated including Cadaques, or exploring Rioja, but thought we’d have to skip the Andalusia region as a result. A week itinerary does require some very tough choices! So we ultimately decided to include Madrid (again, easy to fly into and all-around all-star city), keep Andalusia but visit Cordoba (a new city for me and Jack), Valencia (must-see Spanish coast and another new city for me and Jack), Barcelona (Gaudi of course), then back to Madrid for the weekend. Continue reading
by Wendy
Welcome to part 2 of my series on one week itineraries (nine days counting both weekends) in Spain. The second trip was made in 2012 and covers: Madrid-Barcelona-Cadaques-Madrid
by Wendy
Lots of us have limited vacation days at our jobs, or restrictions on how many days we can take off at one time. I’ve heard friends say it’s not worth it to go to Europe for one week. I strongly disagree! There are many wonderful itineraries you can put together for a one week trip (really 9 days, if you count both weekends).
In a series of upcoming posts, I’m going to write about three different and equally awesome week-long vacations my husband and I took in Spain. We spent a lot of time researching and considering different routes and destinations, so I wanted to share a summary of our results with you. Continue reading