by Wendy
Flipping through television channels on a warm and sleepy Sunday, I noticed coverage of the Tour de France and was immediately transported back to an afternoon nearly 20 years ago. Continue reading

by Wendy
Flipping through television channels on a warm and sleepy Sunday, I noticed coverage of the Tour de France and was immediately transported back to an afternoon nearly 20 years ago. Continue reading
by Wendy
Follow me on twitter@wendylooksleaps
Traveling overseas for two months right after my graduation from college was one of the most influential experiences of my life. My sister April and I visited 5 countries and had an amazing time. It definitely broadened my perspective, increased my appreciation for other cultures, and made me feel more independent and capable of dealing with various situations. l fell more in love with travel and the happiness I felt visiting new places on this beautiful planet. As a rule, I don’t have regrets – but if I was suddenly undergrad Wendy again, I would try and find ways to go abroad more often*. Students have unique opportunities and access to a range of programs and resources to work, volunteer or study in another country. For any students considering or preparing for a trip, here are a few tips I learned from traveling to Europe as a college student. Continue reading
by Wendy
Even though Paris is one of the most popular destinations on the planet, some travelers worry they will encounter icy or disdainful attitudes from the French. But we know better, don’t we! We know one of the rewarding things about travel is dispelling stereotypes and kicking unfair generalizations to the curb. We protest the descriptions of rude French and ugly Americans. We realize people can be annoying in every locale, but they barely register as a blip compared to all the nice people we know.
For anyone still feeling skeptical, here are a few tips on getting to know France a little better. Quit being the kid in school who teases France because you secretly have a crush. Find your courage and invite France to prom already. Use these suggestions at your own risk. I’m not liable if you start watching Amelie every weekend and reserving your entire travel budget for trips to Paris. Continue reading