by Sunny
follow me on Twitter @sunnylooksleaps
Spring Break is upon us, and it seems every conversation begins with, “So, do you have big plans for Spring Break?” And yes, we are going to Disneyland! No surprise to those who know us well, but in talking with other families, you hear about other points of view about visiting Disney. I recently heard a tale about a 9-day beginning of summer trip to Disney World. While that trip was no doubt expensive, it also allowed plenty of time to experience nearly everything while still having some down time at the pool. If you are only taking the kids to Disney once or twice, I say go for a trip like this! We visit every year, so our trips are much shorter (3-4 days). We would rather be able to get our annual dose of Disney in shorter amounts, than only go once or twice during MJ’s childhood. But the question remains: Is there really any difference between going at the age of 3 AND 4? Will a 2-year-old really enjoy it? Here are some of my favorite things about visiting Disney year after year. Continue reading