by Wendy
The Award for Best Accessory in a Supporting Role goes to none other than my latest favorite tote purse. Bought last November from H&M, this bag quickly rose to a starring role for both work and travel. Continue reading

by Wendy
The Award for Best Accessory in a Supporting Role goes to none other than my latest favorite tote purse. Bought last November from H&M, this bag quickly rose to a starring role for both work and travel. Continue reading
by Wendy
This is not a post about shopping at Chanel or Yves Saint Laurent on the Champs Elysees. This is a post about picking up a few interesting souvenirs here and there in Paris.
Shakespeare & Company Bookstore – If you, or someone you’re thinking of, loves books, this is the place for your souvenir. While not the original location of the shop Sylvia Beach ran in the 1920s, this is a seriously cool bookstore with its own literary history dating back to the 1950s. There are rows of used paperpacks in stalls outside, suitably portable for carrying to a nearby cafe. There is a maze of rooms with crowded shelves, chairs to settle in and read, and at least one cat. There is a program offering writers a place to sleep in exchange for work around the store and drafting a short autobiography. This is where the star-crossed couple Celine (Julie Delpy) and Jesse (Ethan Hawke) meet once again during the opening scene of the movie Before Sunset. It was a treat to visit this store, and I happily wandered around for awhile. Before I left I bought Jack a book of Apollinaire’s poetry with English translation, accepting the clerk’s offer of the special Shakespeare & Company stamp on one of the pages. Continue reading
by Wendy
Here is my packing debrief from 6 nights in Paris. Continue reading
by Wendy
I have a few trips on the horizon, but a 4 day trip to New Mexico was trickier to pack for than it should have been. This was one of those trips like Iceland/England where I wanted to bring clothes suitable for several different activities: hiking, pool, walking around a city, lounging around a resort. The weather in Albuquerque and Santa Fe could range from 80s during the day to 40s at night. So this was a puzzle. A nice puzzle to have, but a puzzle nonetheless. Continue reading
by April, Sunny and Wendy
What to Wear on a Plane can be a controversial topic. We aren’t getting in the middle of the debate over whether leggings are appropriate. All we’re doing is sharing our favorite outfits for air travel. Continue reading
by Wendy
Jack and I kicked off January 2017 with full week of travel, including a road trip to a state I’d never visited before: Vermont. We spent 3 days in the beautiful snowy town of Stowe.
Last year I wrote about my determination to participate in more outdoor activities, and it is sometimes surprising how much I am enjoying winter weather. This short destination report may help anyone considering a vacation in Stowe, but especially goes out to my fellow guys and gals who might dread the cold or are apprehensive about skiing. It’s possible to shift your approach and rekindle lost love for snow days. Continue reading
by Wendy
There are accessories that you depend on in everyday life. The taupe heels, or the pearl earrings. Black ballet flats, sunglasses. The giant purse you cart to work that holds a paperback, notebook, phones, keys, wallet, tissues, mints, water, at least 3 lip balms and who knows what else.
On the other hand, there are items you might not use on the daily but are just as essential when the outfit or occasion calls for it. And like a great party dress, they make you happy just looking at them in your closet. Clutch purses and wristlets are the perfect example. Continue reading
by Wendy
I don’t have to travel for work often, but when I do I pack light. I’ve learned a few tips from a handful of business trips. They all center around 2 pieces. Continue reading
by Wendy
Packing for this recent trip was a challenge, as we traveled to two very different destinations.
Iceland: mostly outdoor activities. Even though we were going in summer, nearly everything we read cautioned us to be prepared for any type of weather. Basic hiking gear was a necessity.
England: we would be in London most of the time, with a day trip to Dover that included quite a bit of walking. Always good to be prepared for rain in England. Though London is a style capital, anything other than comfortable shoes would be pointless. We weren’t planning any formal activities but wanted to dress appropriately for tour and tea in Parliament.
Right. Here is my list and a few notes on how I organized everything. Continue reading
by Wendy
This summer, I noticed there were certain items of clothing that I reached for nearly every weekend. Putting together outfits can be creative and fun, but sometimes it’s nice to have a seasonal uniform/capsule wardobe that you don’t spend too much time and energy thinking about. Could be a leftover habit from my Catholic school days. Continue reading